Our course description for ENG 206 concludes that “By the end of the semester, students should be able to explain how and why no reading or writing can ever be free of theory.” Your final assignment for the course asks you to engage with this claim in a modality of your choosing. That is, you may write an essay, prepare a voice-over power point presentation, or write the script for and record a podcast.
Review, describe, evaluate and apply or extend a critical approach to a primary work drawn from our class reading AND to a primary work drawn from another (past/current) course in English or outside of our class reading. Use this work to explain how and why no reading or writing can ever be free of theory.
Framing Statement:
Think about the work you do in your major (that discipline’s assumptions, questions and methods) and compare it to the work of literary criticism you’ve done in this course. What does this comparison tell you about the “wider intellectual and cultural context” of the work you’re doing in your major? If your major happens to be English, use the Framing Statement to comment on at least one English learning outcome: which one(s) do you think this project best helps you illustrate?